Cartagena Caribe
Cartagena Caribe
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Greenfire EmeraldsJoyasGaleríaUbicación
Greenfire S.A.

The Emerald Specialist

Quality is assured by rigorous control standards fot the purchase of loose stones and jewelry that are unmatched in the industry. This affords you to umblemixhed stones, solid workmanship, and unrivaled finishing.

Customer service is embodied in the Greenfire Suarantee included with every purchase. It is your assurance that Greenfire will be available withour fail after you purchase. Greenfire maintains a full time Customer Service Center in the U. S. One Year full guarantee, the 30 days guarntee provided by the cruise line for its recommended shops, workmanship, and appraisal value equal or greater than purchase price. Greenfire will be available withour fail after your purchase. Greenfire maintains a full time Customer Service Center in the U.S. With a toll free number.

You only need to worry about what you like. Greenfire takes care of the rest.

Greenfire Emeralds - Colombia

Phone: (57)(5) 6650413 (57)(5) 6650632
FAX: (57)(5) 6650419
PO Box: 20043
Parque Comercial Pierino Gallo. L. 2-1
El Laguito,
Cartagena, Colombia.

Greenfire Emeralds - USA

Phone: 1866-343-6341
FAX: (561) 997-9540
P.O. Box: 1786,
Boca Raton,
FL. 33429

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